Why the LCD of my new MacBook is already dead?!
I just bought a new macbook retina mid-2015 the 15 of august 2300$. The 19, the lower left corner of the screen shows a clear area, specially noticeable when dark pictures are displayed.
So I called the Apple Care that said to me to go to an apple store for a replacement of the MacBook. I drove 1 hour to the Apple store (100 miles). The genius said to me "it happens sometimes on new MacBook ! But we cannot make an exchange with a new one, only a repair of the screen that takes 5 days :( Apple care told you lies !"
So How can I work now ? Paid 2300$ for a dead MacBook !
So is there a solution to reactivate the clear LCD area without opening it or replacing it ?
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4 Комментариев
Why do you have a problem with the fact that they would fix your device for free in 5 days? I mean, yes, it's annoying, but even 2300$ macbooks have a failure rate....
из Alex Niculescu
Hello, because during 5 days I cannot work ! I've got no computer left. So I loose money, and I also loose money by driving 1 hour each time to reach the Apple store !
No sending back service or replacement service from home proposed, it's not fair from Apple.
из Argus Guitares
So do you prefer spending even more hard worked dollars on a new screen? Whatever. I'll call in some people who know macs better than I do @mayer @theimedic @danj
из Alex Niculescu
No no, I only want to know if there's a trick to make this clear area disappear without opening it. With a little luck !....
If not, I will be forced unfortunatly to go the Apple store.
из Argus Guitares