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The larger version of Samsung's flagship phone, the Galaxy S8+. Released in April 2017.

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S8+ Motherboard Replacement Options

Is there anyway of getting a replacement motherboard for my S8+? It got run over and I had to fix the screen but the connector for the display was damaged as well.

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Is it possible to use a motherboard from an S8+ with a bad ESN?


@festerj I mean you can. But you won't be able to use it as a phone...be like an iPod


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The only way would be to find a broken phone for repair on Ebay or Craigslist. Or you can have samsung repair it.

There are no 3rd party parts for what you need to repair.

A bad ESN means something happened to the phone's account, whether it means the phone was stolen, the phone was not paid off, etc. Either way, the original carrier this phone was on (i.e. Verizon) has banned this phone, and will not allow use of the phone again on its network.

IF you do not use the original carrier for this phone yes, you can use a phone with the bad ESN.

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Search on ebay and Amazon and look on YouTube to install an new mono if you dont know how to.

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