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Samsung Galaxy S7 (SM-G930, SM-G935) — смартфон седьмого поколения линейки Galaxy S, анонсированный компанией Samsung Electronics 21 февраля 2016 года на MWC в Барселоне[

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If you replace the back glass panel, will it still be "waterproof"

If you replace the back glass panel on a galaxy s7 edge, will it still be waterproof, or will I now have to invest in a waterproof case?

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To cut it short, small chance it will maintain waterproof. I strong encourage a case, because a $50 case is better than a $300 repair.


Anytime you open a unit you risk the loss of "waterproof". The best way to go about it is to completely reseal it with new material. You should be able to find the sticker adhesive online.


The other part is the glass itself and how it's "seated". You want to make sure that back glass is securely set otherwise water may seep in.

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So the sticker adhesive is the part that pretty much makes the phone "waterproof" in a sense? I mean getting replaced would be fine but I rather spend the money on something like a Ghostek Atomic 2.0 case for my phone, or even a redpepper case that allows waterproofness for half the price of Ghostek.


The sticker, the pressure applied, and the placement. Machines are used to apply the correct amount of pressure when applying the covers w/ adhesive. When you reapply the glass you'll see that it may not be seated as well as it did before, and that's normal.

It's always best to invest in a durable case.


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You need a good quality sticker adhesive

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