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Второе поколение iPhone. Модель A1241; 8 или 16 ГБ памяти; с черной или белой задней пластиковой крышкой. Ремонт проще, чем первого iPhone. Требует отвертки и инструментов для вскрытия.

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White Screen of Death, HELP!

My phone faded into a plain white screen and I can't do anything. I'm currently waiting for the battery to drain but right now it seems to be just stuck at a white screen. I've looked it up and people are saying to hold down the power button and home button together but my power button doesn't work. I do not wish to open up my iphone3gs either unless I really really have to. Any suggestions?

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That's a good answer @secondlife , no need to put it only as a comment.


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Was there an event that triggered this -- dropping it, sitting on it, getting it wet, a repair done to it, etc?

I think you're going to have to bite the bullet and open it up. I would disconnect the battery (to force the shut down), brush/blow out all the dust, reseat all of the display cables, then reconnect the battery and see what happens. If the display comes back, you may want to buy a replacement power button flex cable; ebay has them for about $5. And since you're opening it up anyway you may also want to consider replacing the battery, which is also pretty cheap.

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