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Samsung Galaxy S7 (SM-G930, SM-G935) — смартфон седьмого поколения линейки Galaxy S, анонсированный компанией Samsung Electronics 21 февраля 2016 года на MWC в Барселоне[

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Very strange screen issue, old apps in background


I have recently received a few Samsung s7 Edge from my supplier with a really odd screen issue.

When I'm on a white screen, even when you take a photo with white in the background, you can see faded old apps in the background.

Any other colour is fine but if any part of screen is white it's like you can see the main apps menu however there are apps visible that aren't even on this device currently.

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I had it on my old phone thats why i bougt a new phone try putting it on darkmode you will see it less


I just had my screen replaced and it's come back like this! I had a cracked screen and decided to get it fixed locally and came back with shadowy apps like a watermark, not apps that i have had ever - help!!


I've got great same thing...don't know ehat it is?


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I think the cause of your problem is screen-burn in. This happens a lot to AMOLED panels when they display the same image for a long time, the pixels got damaged. I don't think there's any way to deal with this other than replacing the screen.

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I also have the same problem. Don't know what to do.


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It's not screen burn in because we all have the exact same image showing underneath whenever the screen is white.

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