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Repair information for the 4th generation iPad. Released November 2, 2012. Model numbers: A1458, A1459, and A1460.

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Home bottom not working

After replacing the front glass on my iPad the Home button isn’t working. Everything else seems to be fine.

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If you are using the same home button and it was working before, you should remove the digitizer again, remove the adhesive that holds the digitizer and put back on temporarily to test. the contacts of the home button may not be making contact and raised slightly due to the adhesive being a bit too thick. if that does not fix it, check the flex connection, or you may have a faulty button.

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The button was the new one that came with the new front glass.


I would test the old one if available, or at least remove the glass and test to see if it is making contact and working with glass out to determine if it is a bad button or if it's just not making contact on the pads


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