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Mid 2006 / Model Number: A1181 / black or white case / 1.83 or 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo processor

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Can I boot up from external HD after replacing the internal HD?

I just ordered and received a new 500 gb internal HD to replace the tiny 80 gb in my MBP. I did not purchase an enclosure or cable to clone my computer on the new HD before replacing it. Can I just use SuperDuper to create a clone on my external HD, make the internal switch, and boot from the external drive using USB 2.0? If so, once booted, how do I transfer the clone onto the new internal HD so that it runs as before? Sorry if this is a really basic question, but I just don't want to physically make the switch without being able to have the computer functional with software. Thanks for the help.

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You have to have both drives "talking" at the same time to do anything. Get an external SATA hard drive enclosure or an adapter and put your old drive in it. USB is fine but firewire would be better. Go to applications - utilites - migration assistant and pick "transfer from to external hard drive or other backup. You can move just user data or setting or applications or all of them. You can also use something like SuperDuper to just clone the drive. Here's an adapter: http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Newer%20T...

Here's SuperDuper: http://www.shirt-pocket.com/SuperDuper/S...

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