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Released on July 28th, 2017, the New Nintendo 2DS XL is a handheld gaming console succeeding the Nintendo 2DS.

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How can I replace a cracked screen?

I dropped my 2DS XL and cracked the top screen pretty bad. Can I replace it myself?

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robert Boyd, yes you can. Check the teardown on here Nintendo 2DS XL Teardown Also not a guide, it will give you an idea of how to get there.

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go to the service centre and ask if they could fix it.

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@ctaneshaa on here you are the service center.


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It is pretty hard to replace the screen so you might want to try to get a whole display replacement if it's the top screen if you can't afford it just take it to a professional who specializes in fixing the Nintendo 2ds

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And where are they located


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