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Model A1040 / 10, 15, 20, 30, or 40 GB hard drive / four touch-sensitive LED backlit buttons above touch wheel

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Why has my screen frozen?

I believe my I-pod froze up after it took a hit from a static electricial charge as I removed my coat today. I had it in my front breast pocket and as I removed my coat I heard a crackling noise and the screen froze, and has been stuck that. I've tried charging and restarting it with no luck. It remains frozen on the song that was playing.

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Joe when you say it remains frozen, what if anything do you see on your screen and what does the ipod do, if anything? Is it a 4th gen iPod or iPod Video based on your HDD size.


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2 Ответов

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Try to reset it by

1. Toggle hold button to hold then off.

2. Hold Menu and Select until power off and then apple logo appears

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Well to answer your first question I have a 5th generation 30GB classic. I did try toggling the hold button allong with the Menue & ctr buttons. The screen remained as it was (paused in mid song) I also tried charging via a USB port on my PC with the same results. A friend (with more patience than me) came over and looked on line @ Apple then found an alternate way to reset which did the trick. Thanks gor getting back to me though. Have a great day!

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