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Sound but dim or no video on my Vizio E320i-B2

I have a "no video" issue on my Vizio E320i-B2. The video is dim/dark, but there is good sound. You can kind of make out the picture on the screen when the room is completely dark. Has anyone seen this issue on this Vizio model?

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Just for completion sake since the OP never got an answer. It may still be relevant for anybody with this TV model.

First you need to verify that you have no image on all inputs. Try all of those. If it remains dark, unplug everything that is plugged in the back of your TV. unplug the TV and push the power button for about one minute, then plug it back in. See if that resets your TV.

If it remains dark, turn the TV to a channel where you can hear the sound. Next, use a flashlight and shine the beam at an angle against the screen. See if you can make out shadows or shapes. If you do, then it is your backlight that has failed.

Vizio's are (were) known to have pretty bad backlight strips and even in this case it does sound like that was the issue. To find out what strips are in that, always remove the back cover and check the label on the back of the LCD panel. That will identify the exact panel number and the maker of that panel. Using those numbers for an online search usually shows multiple sellers.

Update (08/26/23)

The no video issue can also be related to a bad backlight inverter circuitry. That circuit is on your power supply. unplug your set and remove the back cover. Then visually check the boards for any obvious damage like domed or leaking capacitors. Check all the wiring and unplug the wires and plug them back in, make sure they are properly seated. It is possible that this is a power board issue. Measure the voltages on the LED connectors on your power board (DC voltage) and ensure that those are all the same. Commonly for a TV this size, if the voltage is <50VDC then it is a power board issue.

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Thanks so much for the response! I had been following this thread for a bit. Personally, I found some other source that gave a potential explanation of the issue being with the power supply board. I took a chance on buying this board on eBay for about $70, and then replaced it myself, which was very simple - most of the work was just removing the million screws to take off the back panel. Once I replaced the board, my TV went back to working again and it’s been about a year now and is still kicking! Now going on 9 years with this TV.


@christophe91146 you are absolutely right. I should have mentioned to test the LCD connector and check the voltages on there to ensure that the power supply provides the right voltage. Thanks for the reminder!


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