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Wont boot past apple logo screen after replacing battery

I replaced the battery in my ipod touch which didnt work at all before now it will turn on to the apple screen but stays there what should i do?

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Выбранное решение

DFU mode = Device Firmware Update mode

To go into DFU mode:

1. Open iTunes, plug iPod into computer.

2. Hold down Home button and Power button simultaneously until the device goes black

3. Let go of Power button, but keep holding down Home button

4. After 10 or 20 seconds, you should hear a beep, and now iTunes should recognize it in DFU mode. Let go of Home button.

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Thanks IT, I know how, I was trying to get Martin to give a complete answer.


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Try placing your iPod in DFU mode and restoring in iTunes. Hope this helps!

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How is that done?


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