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The ZTE ZMax Pro is identified by its black color, rear fingerprint sensor and its model name, Z981, which can be found under the rear case.

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Why do some of my apps disappear whenever I restart my phone? How can

Why do some of my apps disappear whenever I restart my phone? How can I stop it, or fix it so that doesn't happen?

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No they are not downloading. They have been on my phone for sometime. Couple are games but not all. I think they are all apps that. I added to the phone.


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It really depends on which apps it are and if they are already installed or downloading,

Like for example Jailbroken apps can be removed on restart most likely by the security of your Phone

In some cases an app gets stuck on a download, or refuses to download/update, and simply disappears because it couldn't finish downloading/updating.

And have you already tried checking for updates in both the OS and the apps themselves?

If the problem keeps appearing after checking both of the things I just said, you should probably go to the nearest repair store, as it'll most likely have something to do with your storage then

EDIT: Apologies for confusing a thing or two, I sometimes forget to look at things, but you should mention what type of device it's about in the question, but that's just my opinion

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No they are not downloading. They have been on my phone for sometime. Couple are games but not all. I think they are all apps that. I added to the phone.


Oh and the phone is a ZTE Zmax Pro.


Yea I figured that out not too long after my post, apologies to the one that downvoted. But I suggest trying a reset or check for OS updates if you haven't


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