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The current line of iPod nanos comprises seven different generations.

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My iPod has a screen lock,How do i find the combination?


My Ipod Nano 3 Generation has a screen lock on it and I can`t get it off,It is telling me ENTER THE COMBINATION,What is the Combination? And ware can i find it?

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Should be a simple reset.

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I thought a simple reset will NOT bypass the screen lock?


I thought that was only on iPhone/Touch which a reset would not work?


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1) Plug ipod into computer

2) Go to Control Panel click folder options click view tab and select show hidden files and folders

3) Go to My Computer click ipod's drive

4) Click on iPod_Control then on Device

5) Delete file _locked

6) Eject and unplug and it's unlocked

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Helped me unlock my old iPod in 2017! Thanks a bunch!


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This is for Nano, but also works for any Ipod, I think. And it's for Windows

1) Plug Ipod into computer

2) Click on your Ipod icon

3) Go to Options, then click Manually manage music and videos.

4) Go to Start, if your using Windows.

5) Search for Folder Options

6) Click on it, then click View

7) Go down and find Hidden Files and Folders, check it so it's Show Hidden Files, folders, or Drives.

8) Then click Apply, then Ok.

9) Go to your personal folder

10) On the Computer Tab find your Ipod.

11) Click on it, then you'll see iPod_Control

12) Click on it.

13) Then click Device

14) Then on the top, there should be _locked, rename it to _unlocked.

15) It should work now.

I know this post is old, but some people might find this page.

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idk i'm having the same problem. plz HELP :(

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Post this as a separate question


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well i have the 4th generation and im locked out of my ipod plugging it in didnt help

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