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Repair information and guides for the 2015 Retina MacBook Air. Model A1534

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After replacing display, MacBook screen is hazy . . .

From my earlier questions to give you a sense of what I have done with this MacBook . . .

Replaced Retina display, but MacBook won't power up . . .

Recently replaced my early 2015 MacBook's retina display. Press the power button but nothing happens.

Have hooked it up to a 5 watt charger as indicated in one of the comments, but still no results.

Ideas on where to start on a trouble shoot?

Any ideas are welcome . . .


Update (12/19/2017)

Okay! I think the display cable was loose. I reattached it and now it boots normally. Now, there is a milky haze around the border of the screen. Could this be the display cable, or should I get another retina display?

I have rebooted and adjusted display settings . . . External monitor looks fine , , ,

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Vendor believes it is a cable issue. After leaving it alone a couple of days because of work, I powered it up and now display looks great. Weird!

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Wow thats a really messed up display! You'll need a new one. Did you get your system wet at some point?

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Never been wet, gonna probably get another display from the vendor. But I’m gonna try a new cable first


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