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Released in North America in November 2006, the Wii was Nintendo's first home console to directly support Internet connectivity, supporting both online games and digital distribution of games and media applications through the Wii Shop Channel.

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What controller works with original wii?

Hi everyone, I just purchased a used wii at a goodwill store, came with everything except controller. So my question is, I want to purchase a wii remote. What works with original wii, including remote and if you know anything about original wii let me know please. Thanks. I'm new new to wii.

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The original Wii remote (Wiimote), controllers, chargers, etc, are still actually widely available at Walmart, Amazon, etc.

You may want to reset it to factory once you do get a controller.


Wii only had 8gb or 32gb internal memory. You will definitely run out of space for games. You should get a USB drive such as a hard drive or thumb drive to allow storage of more games.


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Thank you, do you know if it can be bought at game stop?


Are there special cables needed for the original wii?


Cables should come with the controller if needed. The controller itself is wireless, but there is a cable needed to connect it to the wii-nunchuck controller. To power the controller, you will need to buy either Nintendo's own rechargeable or generic NIHM AA batteries. I don't recommend alkaline disposable batteries as that gets expensive, and increases unnecessary pollution. The Sanyo/Panasonic Eneloop rechargable batteries are really good.

Have you tried connecting the Wii to the Tv to see if works? there should be a power cable and a cable that sends audio and video to the TV as well.


Some Wii are bundle with games and other accessories.


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I believe Wii U controllers work on the Wii too.

here's Nintendo's Wii FAQ

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