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Fourth generation of iPad, released November 2, 2012, available in 16, 32, or 64 GB models. Model Number A1458

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Changed lightning port and still get no response, what next?

Hi, I was given a 4th gen ipad and the previous owner had tried to solder in the lightning port- no this is not a typo, he actually tried to solder in the lightning port!! I have now managed to successfully (kinda) change the lightning port. I still have no response and charging it for an hour. I have tried holding the power button, and I have tried holding both the power button and home button simultaneously to do a hard reset- still nothing

I downloaded the latest version of itunes and plugged my ipad into the computer, it does not register a device being plugged in. I don't know where to look next, power button? battery?

or should i just cut my losses on the lightning port and adhesive strip and not waste any more time?

thanks in advance for any advise,


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Can the new port be damaged? Change the port only or the complete flex?

The previous owner may damage the plate if soldered with the battery connected and some component of the plate will work.

If you are sure that the load flex is OK, look for something that is not between the plate and the battery contact. Nor would it be enough to disconnect it a few seconds and reconnect. After this, if everything seems correct, connect it to the computer and leave it connected 1h. If after this itunes does not recognize the ipad, it could be a damaged battery or a motherboard failure. Anyway, I would not rule out a defective cargo flex.

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Do you mean he soldered the lightning cable in or the port on? either way, seems its having problems.

Here's our guide on how to replace your lightning port.

iPad 4 Wi-Fi Lightning Connector Replacement

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