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27" display with 2560 x 1440 pixels resolution Thunderbolt & MagSafe cable attachments

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Is there any possibility to repair the unpowered Thunderbolt cable?

When I connect the unpowered Thunderbolt cable, I can watch the screen from my macbook pro very well, but sometimes the screen in the Apple Thunderbolt Display puts in black. I have to disconnect and connect the cable again and all it´s ok, but this problem it´s continued.

There is any possibility to repair this cable?

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The cable can be replaced, are you sure the issue is the cable and not something else?

Thunderbolt/MagSafe cable assembly Apple P/N 922-9941

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I'm pretty sure that is the cable because the last week I had tried during one day and never had a black screen, but the thunderbolt is a bit bare in some part.


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