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Announced in March 2015 and released April 10, 2015, the Galaxy S6 Edge is the curved-screen version of Samsung's newest flagship smartphone.

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screen locked on samsung screen and will not turn off

Screen on Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is stuck on opening screen display. Cannot be turned off or changed.

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hold the Home+ VolUp + Power all together for approximately 20-25 seconds, or until your phone reboots.

It will reboot into a recovery mode, which will let you do a factory reset.

Running this reset should fix your issue.

if it does not, continue with a full reload

hold the Home+ VolDown + Power all together for approximately 20-25 seconds, or until your phone reboots.

It will reboot into a download mode, which will let you reload your software Via ODIN.

be sure to use OEM Stock ROMs for your device only. found at sammobile.com

Running this reload should fix your issue.

If the above two do not fix the issue, it is time to move on to hardware issues. try replacing the hardware inside your device in the order below, and test between each replacement.


Charge port

Front+Rear camera

If this does not fix your issue, you will likely have an integrated board failure.

replacing the logic board should fix your issue at this point

If you are not comfortable with this process, i suggest taking your phone to a trained technician. they will deal with this problem on a regular basis.

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Power + Volume down + home is required to be held for at least 10 seconds to shut off the phone while it's stuck then proceeding with your answer will work.


that is why it says for 20 seconds. because it needs time to power down, then boot into the designated mode. (recovery or download) it was incorperated in the procedure, just not labled. i apologize if that confused the OP.


Just wanted to point that out, but yeah most likely firmware needing reflashing or factory reset.


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