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Repair information and guides for the 2015 Retina MacBook Air. Model A1534

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Could I use liquid metal for thermal interface material?

I have a 2015 retina macbook and it can get quite warm and thermal throttle. I was wondering if I could replace the thermal paste with liquid metal like in this youtube video.


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Some liquid metal dissolves aluminum alloy, be careful.

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Is the heatsink for this macbook an aluminum alloy?


I think that he made of copper, but i'm not sure.


I'd also be careful with the fact that it probably conducts electricity. also replacing it with liquid metal would be a pain to remove if you ever had to get at the CPU.


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I really don't recommend liquid metal TIM for your MacBook.

Yes, liquid metal is able to transfer heat a bit better than ceramic or diamond TIM. I've found Arctic Silver is just fine without the risks.

These exotic metal compounds have risks! Getting onto the logic board can destroy it. I've replaced two after someone messed up.

I would recommend you re-think your usage as a laptop is not able to perform as well as a desktop when running heavy processes.

I would recommend you be more aggressive in keeping your system dust free. Running a good thermal sensor & fan monitoring app like TG Pro. TG Pro also allows you to ramp up the fan (turbo) just before you run your system hard.

As you can see here, there is no fan or cooling system

Block Image

The CPU is under the left shield between the fingers.

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It is not a macbook pro. It is the 12 inch macbook with no fan. It throttles just by playing a twitch stream.


Sorry, Fighting the Flu my brain is a little foggy ;-{

The newer MacBook's don't use a fan or even a real heat sink instead it uses the body of the case (Aluminum) as a heat dump.

So liquid metal is out! All you'll end up doing is corroding the case out.


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