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Android smartphone with a 5.15" 1080p display and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor. First released in 2016.

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Camera glass popped out

My phone is xiaomi Mi5 and recently camera glass is popped out but its not broken.

here is the picture of what happened :

Glass and phone

i still have the glass i just don't know how to stick it back !

can i use glue ?

if yes what kind of glue?

what things i should know before using glue?

what are other option other than glue?


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This is very risky, you could get glue on the lens but use an adhesive if you can find one, if not, then try a hot glue gun, but this should be a last resort, at this point contacting xaiomi to ask them what to do is probably the best idea

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What kind of adhesive i should use?


Well, idk, who knows, newegg has a lot of stuff on it, if you can measure the glass and find an adhesive with the same diameter, if you can't try a hot glue gun with a very small tip


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