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Screen and not charging etc

I have an Ipod nano 3rd gen and I have changed the battery but still will not take charge or switch on does anyone have an idea? I'm thinking hard drive? also My friend has one and the back light has gone we want to know what can cause it? and is it just the screen that needs replacing or is it to do with the hard drive too?

Any help will be great!


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I was thinking about buying me friends so I could nick her logic board do you think that will work? what else could I do to the logic board and any way? I have already tried to connect to my laptop and pc and nothing happens.


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Does your iPod connect to a computer? I think you should try the logic board next.

As for your friend, only the display should need replacing.

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I was thinking about buying me friends so I could use her logic board do you think that will work? instead of buying a new logic board? what else could I do to the logic board any way? I have already tried to connect to my laptop and pc and nothing happens. Thanks for your answer by the way!


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Have you tried to reset the Nano? I've done this and it solved it.

Press in the middle button and the MENU button at the same time for something like 20 seconds. Should Reset it and make everything fine.

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