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The slim edition of the classic Xbox 360 with a 250GB HDD and built-in Wi-Fi. Repair requires intricate prying and special tools.

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console turning off right after pressing power button

since yesterday i got the problem that my xbox 360 slim won´t turn on​. when i touch the power button it peeps and the middle led is turning green and fans start spinning, but only for half a second and it turns itself off, psu went back to orange. after spamming the power button i managed to turn it on like it supposed to. it ran the whole day, though it behaved like an old motorcycle where you had to constantly kickstart until it got enough starting power. the next day i tried to turn it on and the led on the psu went red. no boot. i unplugged and pluged it back in but same result. could the psu dead or is something wrong with the console ?

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In sorry to say you have killed your power supply you will have to buy a new one online

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are you sure it´s only the power supply ? since the xbox worked nicely after i finally got it to boot i thought so too but the people at xbox support werent sure and linked me to this site: https://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-360/...

i guess standard procedure


Yah np man, let me know what happens ill be here to help


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Well if your xbox hasnt gone red and your psu is id say so mine is starting to do this

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i explained the xbox support the same thing but they reacted the way i told above witch got me concerned it´s more than just the power supply


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Thats very possible have you had any problems with the graphics ex screen splitting random drops in frame rate?

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umm yes to both but i think this is more due to dark souls 2 than the xbox itself since i saw the same issues at a friends house and i sadly didnt tried games where i know frame drops and screen tearing aren´t represent


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Sorry to hear that you should probably invest in a new xbox; (

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i porbably going to borrow a power supply from a friend to see if that is enough if not... rip xbox ._. im leaving an update on this site if i tried it out

thank you very much


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