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LG 55LM5850 Dark Screen

I have a 5 year old LG 55LM5850 3D TV that up until 2 days ago worked fine. It comes on for a bout a min. or so and then the screen starts to darken to the point where there is no bright lit areas. The screen is dark and you can hold up a flash light to it and see a faint picture. sound and everything else works fine. I realize its at the 5 year mark and I am going to replace it. however, I would like to look at fixing it my self and wondered if any one had any suggestions?

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@garling23 sounds like an issue with the inverter control. This is most likely on the (EAX64310801 EAY62512801 LGP55H-12LPB) power board. Post some images of all of your boards with your question . that way we can see what you see and can help you check for the failed component.Use this guide Adding images to an existing question for that. If you can let us know what chassis your TV is since this will help to find the right schematic.

On connector P202 measure the voltage on Pin 8 with your TV on (careful you do not shorten anything out or get zapped. Do not touch anything!). Red probe to pin 8 black probe to ground and meter to 100VDC. Same way measure P203 in 1. Let us know what voltage you get.

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I am having same problem on sane model. The voltage is 70.4 on both P202 and P203. What next?


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That happened to me. I am no expert but It could be your backlight gone bad. If so then open the Tv up and find the correct control board. you'll find serial numbers and stuff, Then you can replace the part by looking it up on the Internet. Good luck

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Thank you, Yes apparently this model has a ton of led lights


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garling23 будет вечно благодарен.
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