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Пятое поколение iPhone. Ремонт данного устройства простой и требует только отвёрток, лопатки для открытия и терпения. GSM/CDMA / 16, 32 или 64 Гб / Черный или Белый.

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Dropped in the toilet.

Okay, I have a problem with my brothers iPhone 4s. He decided to bring it in the bathroom, and dropped it on the toilet, for which he said "was only three seconds."

The iPhone is stuck in a repeating loop, maybe I can get an answer.

Day 1: Put in a jar of rice, and no luck. Used hairdryer, (bad) and then plugged in. It DID turn on, then died again. Put in bowl of rice again.

Day 2: Removed from bowl, and charged. Apple logo shows up, yay! But here is where my problem is.

The loop:

1. Apple logo.

2. Code loads on top of screen????

3. Waits one minute, powers off

4. Repeats....

I hope somebody has an answer for this, because this iPhone was fairly new...

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