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My iPode 4 gen is locked

how can i unlock it if i dont have the combo is there a way to keep what i have on it and restat the ipode to were it is un locked

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You need to restore it, which means deleting everything off of it. You can find the steps here - http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/co...

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John there is one more way if you do not want to lose your data and if you are using a PC. First plug in the ipod, go to My Computer. Click on the ipod drive, then go to tools > folder options. Then click view, click show hidden files. Go to ipod_control. Then go to device there should be a file named "_locked" ,delete that. Unplug the ipod and you should be ready to go hope this makes sense, let me know if there is a step that I may have missed. Good Luck and let us know how it is going.

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john будет вечно благодарен.
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