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Model A1311 / Late 2009 / 3.06 or 3.33 GHz Core 2 Duo processor

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LVDS video connector damage during SSD upgrade. Is this repairable?

Upgrading my late 2009 iMac to install an SSD drive ran into the problem so many do where the video cable connector broke. Viewed many YouTube videos and walk-throughs then after ordering the new connector went about removing the old one. Sad to say the removal did not go smoothly and now I am left with what you see below. With several missing pads should I even bother to try and fix this?

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I can count 4 missing solder pads that will probably have to be bridged and that will make the work more troublesome. It can most probably be repaired nonetheless but you'll have to find someone good and skilled with microsoldering.

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Yep, will need to trace back the pad's pathway to find a point which to connect a jumper.


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@gregintokyo yes of course you should complete the repair. Minor setback. If you are unsure to do this yourself find somebody that can do some micro soldering. your board should be a 820-2494 and I marked where you could solder too with the exception of the third pin. That is pin27 and needs to be connected as pointed out. that repair will be a lot cheaper than trying to get a new board or even a new computer.

Block Image

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