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The Game Boy released on April 21, 1989 in Japan, followed by North America on July 31, 1989, and lastly in Europe on September 28, 1990. It is characterized by a large grey casing and model number DMG-01.

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Crooked screen and missing center lines

I have an original game boy and recently I changed the body. I believe the problem existed before.

The screen appears to be not aligned with the body and in addition has two white lines in the center. What may be due?

Could it be the video connector? I have already tried to enter it several times but the screen remains not centered.

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The vertical lines are most likely due to connections with the data ribbon leading to the screen.

I've often seen it happen to units that were left in hot cars or attics.

Here's a great guide, from RetroFixes.com, that will, hopefully, help return the screen to normal ...

Once you have the unit apart, you'll be able to line up the screen again. Just be sure to verify that it's straight before completely screwing it back together.

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