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The TI-84 Plus CE is a graphing calculator released in Spring 2015 by Texas Instruments. It includes a 2.8 inch color screen, USB port, apps, storage, and a 1200 mAh battery.

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My calculator does not turn on

When pressing any key, calculator says: "Error! Press any key to turn unit off. Then turn unit back on". But it does not do anything.

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Karine Bagdasaryan did you turn it off and then back on? Have you removed the batteries for awhile and then reinserted those?


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Try removing battery then turn it back:)

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Wow, that’s a crazy error.

You can try to perform a RAM reset by, like MD dm said, removing the battery and replacing it. Or by pressing the ‘reset’ button on the back of the calculator.

This may not work though, in which case you’ll need to re-install the OS. That’s kinda hard to instruct in text so I’ll refer you to a video tutorial here.

This issue may lie deeper though. You can test if your calculator is defective by running a self test. There’s a video on how to use it here. You should run tests 6 and 7. (There’s an index in the description of the video that’ll give you the exact time-stamp) If your calculator fails one of those tests, you should contact TI immediately.

If you don’t mind, could you let us know how everything turned out for you? :)

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