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Repair guides and support for your Apple Wireless Keyboard. Connect and command your Apple computer wirelessly.

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Can I connect a wired/wireless Mac keyboard to PC (Windows)

Apple Wireless Keyboard (Aluminum)


My question is: Can I connect a wired/wireless Mac keyboard to my PC (Windows) with a Bluetooth program (for the wireless) or just for plugging in by USB?

Thanks a lot.


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Do you have a bluetooth card in your PC?


Hello mayer, thanks for the answer, can you please explain me what bluetooth card is? If you can get me a store of people that sending for the whole world that'll be nice. I'm not from America as you can see.


You've already asked this same question before. You also got an answer. Can I connect the wireless keyboard to my PC?


Yeah, I know, but I didn't found if they can send it to the whole world...


thats what google and ebay are for...


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You would need a bluetooth dongle (USB) and then it should work. The specialty keys might be a problem however but I believe you could workaround that. Link to a sample provided.


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First, thanks. But I want to know, I will need to buy this

Blutooth UBS thing and connect my keyboard throught this?

If it does like this how am I doing this?



You would only need it for the PC---the iPads have bluetooth built in. To use just plug the dongle into a USB2 port and Windows should find it and guide through thew setup procedures.


If I will download blutooth program to my computer will I will be able to connect it?


No a bluetooth program/software without the bluetooth hardware will not allow you to connect your keyboard to the computer. Without bluetooth hardware your computer can't hear the keyboard, doesn't even know it is there.


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If you have a bluetooth card in your computer then yes

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