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Repair information for standalone freezers.

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water leak on freezer with manual defrost

Water has puddled on the floor under the freezer. The model is Hotpoint RZ64 Ice Diamond with manual defrost and was last detrosted 2 weeks ago

Where is the water coming from?

All help appreciated

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The question is referring to a MANUAL defrost freezer, therefore it does not have a defrost drain.


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Cause 1

Clogged or Freezing Defrost Drain

During the freezer’s defrost cycle, the defrost water exits through the defrost drain. Sometimes, the defrost water can freeze over the drain. If the defrost drain is clogged with ice, the defrost water will overflow the drain and leak from the bottom of the freezer. To thaw the ice inside the defrost drain, use a turkey baster and hot water to flush the drain. If your defrost drain freezes regularly, consider installing a drain heater to melt the ice.

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