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Repair guides and disassembly information for Lenovo's thin and light ThinkPad X1 Carbon business laptops.

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What do I do if I spilled nail polish remover on my laptop?

I just spilled a large amount of nail polish remover on my lenovo thinkvision laptop. Shortly before I spilled it I got a notification that my battery was low. After I spilled it, I wiped as much of it from the keyboard (it spilled towards the back of the laptop and got onto pretty much all of the keys and the part where it bends) and I turned it off. I thought it would probably be fine because I wiped most of it off (very naive of me) and I plugged it in so the battery wouldnt die. When I tried to turn it back on, it would not go on. I have tried to turn it on unpligged as well and it still does not go on. I now have it lying open face down to let it dry out overnight, but im afraid it is damaged for good. Please help!!!

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Hi Ryan Hale,

I would recommend taking apart the shell and making sure that each part is completely dry. Since it spilled near the display area check to see if the wires there are damaged and that would be the cause of it not displaying anything, if you are positive that the display area is ok, then I would recommend replacing the motherboard and checking for additional damage. Most computers aren't meant to have liquids spilled on them so check to see if you purchased a warranty or some sort of insurance plan.

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Thank you for your response! I will try that and see how it goes.


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