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Device and repair information for the 60" LED HD TV by Samsung released in 2013, model number UN60FH6003FXZA.

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Why Wont My TV Turn On?

For some reason my TV will not power on and the red light is not showing even when I left it unplugged for a week it still would not turn on and there were no power surges that I know of . Which is odd because the night before it stopped working I was watching TV with my family and it was working fine. Please help me with this question and please don't say I should open it up because under no circumstances will I open it up and mess with its circuits

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this “under no circumstances will I open it up and mess with its circuits “ will complicate the fixing situation a bit. You need to check the outlet itself to make sure that it has power. After that disconnect everything from your TV, unplug the TV and hold down the power button for a good 30 seconds. Then plug the TV in and see if you can now power it up. If you cannot, you are most likely having issues with the power board etc.

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