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The Jeep Cherokee (XJ) is a compact SUV that was manufactured and marketed by Jeep from 1997 to 2001. Sharing the name of the original full-size SJ model, but without a traditional body-on-frame chassis, the XJ instead featured a light-weight unibody design.

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How do I remove and replace the power steering unit?

power steering unit is leaking from the shaft behind the pully, loud ratting noise also.

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Not knowing for sure what year or what size engine your Cherokee is makes it a little more interesting. First off, here is a site that explains it well and I posted the power steering part of the service manual on my file server for you to download. It explains in detail how to do it. Good Luck and let us know if you need further help.

Power steering part 1

power steering part 2

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+ mo research


thank you as always for your kind words ;-)


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