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The Dell Inspiron 11-3147 is an 11" laptop-and-tablet hybrid device. The screen can fold onto its back to allow for handheld usage. It was manufactured in August 2015 by Dell.

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Glass broken, how to find new glass and replace?

Hey guys, I have an inspiron with damaged glass, making the touchscreen unusable. I'd like to get it back to working order, but i can't seem to find the glass. There are many cracks across the screen and the top right corner is missing a few pieces. Is it worth it to search for glass or should I look for entire top half replacements instead? If I can find glass, what's the best method to try and remove the many pieces?

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@washingdone looks like they are only readily available as a complete assembly. Check places like this one and many more of course. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvaiRijP... This video should help with the repair and you can download the owners manual, which includes a disassembly guide for your computer, from here

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