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Why won't my iPhone 4 turn on?

My iPhone 4 isn't turning on. What can I try to get it working again?

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johhny tran, what happened to the phone? Any damage that you know off? Any water exposure? Any recent updates to the phone? Did you ever have it working or did you get it in this condition?


I dropped my iphone 4 and now it will not come on. i held the power button for 30sec. I tried plugging it in. It will not turn on. At first you could here a noise. Now nothing it's black.


I double-clicked the back button on the web browser and it froze. Naturally, I tried to press home and exit the browser. After this failed, it turned it off. It now will not turn on again. I tried alot of tricks from things I found online and it still won't turn off. I hope its not broken!


I held the home &power button at the same time...my phone turned on.....l am sooo HAPPY...saved me a trip to the Apple store.


i dropped mine in a lifeproof case and it wouldnt turn on and it hasnt turned on i held the home button and power button but nothing


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Выбранное решение

First, try connecting the iPhone to a wall charger to see if it will turn on, which will begin to happen immediately. If that does not work, let it charge for 10-20 minutes and hopefully it will turn on.

Second, try a Hard Reset by holding both the Power/Top button and Home Button for about 15 seconds until iPhone turns on.

Third, try carefully cleaning the charging port with isopropyl alcohol. Make sure to clean the charging pins and let dry for a few minutes. Then try to plug in a charger and turn on iPhone.

If these initial attempts do not work, check out the iPhone 4 Troubleshooting Page or the iPhone won’t turn on wiki for more solutions. Good luck.


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if you are in a country that has an Apple store, and if you have a phone that still has a warranty that wasn't voided etc.


Step 2 worked-thank you very much!


the second one worked thank you so much


OMG the second step worked, thank you so much.


not work any step


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put into DFU mode.

1)plug in your iphone

2)hold the power button for 2-3 seconds.

3)still holding the power button, hold the home button for 8 seconds.

4)let go of the power button, then still hold the home button for 8 more seconds.

5)reverse the steps and this may take a few minutes to reboot. if this doesn't work restart the steps.

(ps. he does not say step number 2 but i find it works better.)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34v8HMC9B...

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omg thinak you so much it worked!


wow thanks so much it worked for me


I dropped my iphone then the screen died so i changed it but now i have this problem.... When i lock my iphone and when i press the power button the display doesnt turned on untill I reboot it


You suck you spuipt ##&&% don't do that ever again suckers


Thanks it works for me..


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put into DFU mode.

1)plug in your iphone

2)hold the power button for 2-3 seconds.

3)still holding the power button, hold the home button for 8 seconds.

4)let go of the power button, then still hold the home button for 8 more seconds.

5)reverse the steps and this may take a few minutes to reboot. if this doesn't work restart the steps.

(ps. he does not say step number 2 but i find it works better.)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34v8HMC9B...

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my iphone 4 fell from my hand and hit to the floor . i tryed to turn it on but it wouldnt turn on . i tryed to press the power button it wouldnt turn . i tryed to charge it and it work but a few second the logo of apple is turn off ...

any answer please !



I have an iPhone 4, the camera was badly damaged because I breaked the lense of my back panel. I replaced the camera with my another iPhone 4 now it's not turning on help me


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hold the power button and the home button for 18 seconds if the apple sign appears it will work if it doesnt work plug into wall charger it that doesn't work. go to the apple store and ask for help.

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saved my lifeee!! thankssss


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The issue that iPhone won’t turn on may be caused by hardware issue or software issue. If it is the hardware issue that causes such an issue, please go to the Apple store to repair it. If not, try using iTunes to restore the iPhone or apply a repair program like Joyoshare UltFix iOS system recovery, 3u Tools, and the like. Such programs can fix various iOS issues with no data loss.

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Hi jOhnny,

I suggest you to consult a engineer or you might damage your device even more.



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