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How to replace the hold switch cable?

Hello there, I've read around here and I found a solution to repair a broken hold switch cable by iTronics Repair.

I must have broken the cable accidentally trying to reassemble the iPod.

The cable is torn practically where it connects to the mother board. I took off the battery and I can see another torn cable. The hold switch cable seems to connect to the motherboard with 4 soldering points in a square shape, but from that point the cable continues on to an area covered by a black piece. This cable is also torn. Is there anyway to fix that?

I don't know why that soldering point has two cables coming out of it.

With those two cables torn can the iPod work at all?

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I believe there is another thread here about this. But I just did this repair last night.

When looking at those four solder points, the two to the right are for the hold switch, while the other two go off to the headphone jack, I believe. Take a razor blade or X-acto knife and slice between the two groups of two. That way, you only need to deal with the hold cable solder points.

Desoldering them is very similar to the battery replacement: small solder points, cable material that can easily melt, etc.

The iPod should work fine with the cable being torn. An open connection is unlocked. If the ripped end is shorting together on the case or other metal, that would cause issues.

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