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Fully charged when plugged in but shuts off shortly after unplugging

My Ipod nano 4th generation says it's fully charged when plugged in but shuts off a few seconds after unplugging it..tried reset and restore options but no result.

No lightning bolt when plugged in if that helps. Also just replaced battery but had similar problem before. Hope someone can help, thanks in advance!!

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I tried charging with wall charger but that didn't do anything (although it didn't register as fully charged for about five minutes). I'll try taking it back apart re-soldering and cleaning see what that gives..thanks for the advice!


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Make sure that the battery is properly connected and that the connections are free of corrosion and debris. Clean your dock connector with a toothpick or similar instrument without bending any of the contacts. When your replaced the battery, did you check your logic board for any corrosion etc. The 4th gen nano for whatever reason does seem to have issues with moisture accumulation and corrosion on the ribbon cables, so clean your logic board of any corrosion. My personal favorite is isopropyl alcohol and a toothbrush. Then reassemble and see what you got. Also do not plug your ipod into your computer via a hub, make sure you use a USB port that comes right of the mother board, and verify that you have a good USB cable. Sometimes it works best if you try to charge on a wall charger since it does deliver a higher amperage. Good Luck and let us know how it is going.

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I have the same problem. Did anybody find a solution?

Thank you!


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