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Model A1502 / 2.4, 2.6, or 2.8 GHz dual-core Intel processor / Released October 2013

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SSD not found in diskutil / recovery mode

I have ordered [связанный продукт отсутствует или отключен: IF123-123-2] in order to fix my macbook 13" retina 2013. I didn't see the instructions on your site that it required macos high sierra to be installed in order to use this SSD. When reinstalling the original os (mavericks) i still see no SSD available

The mac did have that installed but in recovery mode I still have no access to the SSD drive and cannot reinstall my mac.

I made ubuntu USB installer and the tool supplied with ubuntu were able to see the drive and partition it. Mac recovery mode however did not.

What to do?

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Best thing would be to borrow an external hard drive, install mavericks and update to high sierra if you just have the mavericks install media and then install the Os on your Ssd. Or buy one if you can't borrow it, it will turn out useful for your future time machine backups ;)

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Hi Arbaman, I'll give that a try and will let you know what happens. Thanks


You are welcome, hope everything works out fine and smooth.


Hi arbaman,

Mac is up and running !!!!!

Here are the steps I took:

- Original (fawlty) SSD in Mac

- Formatted and connected a USB external disc drive.

- Use recovery mode to install MacOS Mavericks on the USB drive

- Restarted mac with the USB drive as boot

- Updated MacOS to High Sierra (this fixes the firmware issue with the SSD)

- Shut down the Mac

- Removed the faulty SSD and installed the new OWC Aura SDD

- Restarted the Mac from the USB drive with High Sierra

- Use disk utility to partition the SSD

- Downloaded MacOS High Sierra from the app store

- Installed MacOS (again) and chose the OWC Aura SSD as the destination

- Restarted Mac, installation completed

- Shut down the mac and unplugged the USB drive

- Restart and BINGO !!

Thanks for the tip arbaman !!


@rogerclaessen It took some work and quite a bit of waiting for sure, but it worked out as it was supposed to. Glad your Mac is back up and kicking again :)


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