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The Huawei P8 Lite (Model: ALE-L21) announced April 2015, shows beauty in simplicity. Its professional cameras enable you to take natural and sharp pictures even in the darkest environment. The beauty mode highlights the best features of the owner in every selfie.

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Dropped my phone in sea. help! CAN FIX IT AFTER 15 hours?

Hey guys yesterday my phone dropped in a gulf at midnight...if I swim at the morning and I can take it. It is 1.40 m from the ground

Update (07/12/2018)

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I disassembled all in the phone expect the lcd and ear vibrator. . I have to roll it off completely or I can drop it with the pieces in the liquid you told me about.

And correct I am from Greece..also The battery is for rubbish now

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If you're in Greece as your name hints to, it's just a pleasant swim right now, pretty hot here in the Med ;)

Nobody knows what happens to a submerged phone, but if you fish it out don't try to turn it on and don't put it into rice. Remove the logic board following the guide, put it into Isopropyl alcohol and let it soak there for an hour, then remove it and brush it with a soft toothbrush and let it dry for a day. Meantime buy a new battery and then try your luck, reassemble everything and hope for the best.

Huawei P8 Lite Motherboard Replacement

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Thanasis Katsoydas будет вечно благодарен.
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