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Apple Watch Series 2, announced September 7th, 2016 and released September 16 2016.

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I can’t get the battery screw out.

I’m on the step where I need to take the tiny screw out near the battery. None of the bits that came with my iOpener Kit will turn it. What do I do now? How do I get it out? I’m not sure if it’s stripped or not but I didn’t apply a lot of pressure when trying to get it out.

Update (07/12/2018)

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Sorry I thought I added it in my question but it didn’t attach.

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Can you take a picture of the screw you are having problems with so we can identify it.


My phone takes terrible close up pics so I hope you can see that.


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My husband had the bright idea of taking it to a watch repair store. They were able to get the screw out and give us a new one to use.

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Can you send an image? Sounds like an issue I can help with. I can't get there without an image though.

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