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The Vectrex is a vector based video game console that was developed by Western Technologies/Smith Engineering in 1982.

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it works but I only have a half screen

my vectrex works..but have only half the screen lit up

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My best guess on this (and it is just a guess) is that one of your backlight tubes has gone out. All the half-screen issues I have seen have this same problem.

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where are the backlight tubes on the CRT? Just checked the manual again and cant find anything like it. Is there another name for it, sorry for asking but have not had a CRT for a while.


Heey, I said it was a guess. I can guess wrong


I can't find squat on a half screen issue on a CRT.


3/4 of the people heree probably don't even know what a BBS is


I haven't used a BBS in years. +


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What an awesome piece of equipment. To bad that there is not a whole lot of info out there about your particular problem. I think it is time for some research before you get it all resolved. Here are a couple of sites one here and another one here I also got the SERVICE MANUAL and do feel free to download it. There is some more info on Wikipedia and just by remembering what I read in the forums and looking at the service manual my first guess would be the digital to analog IC. Of course take a good look at the capacitors and all. But be careful, there is a lot of oomph in that little gadget.Good Luck and let us know how it is going.

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Paul, sorry about using your question for our trips down memory lane...:-) Do not give up on that piece of hardware... It is awesome and deserves to be fixed.


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It's the controller that's connected to the back of the crt. It needs to be replaced or fixed if you have enough skill. Call around to some tv repair places that have been around for a long time, hopefully someone there can fix the controller.

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There is no back-light bulbs or lamp in a crt!! Sounds like a shorted yoke to me. Take it to an old school TV repair shop, they can test the yoke and possibley replace it.

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It's a vector screen, look for a fix in the repair guide. I'll bet is a chip that controls the lower 2 quadrants that can be swapped out.

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