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Can I replace my HDD with an SSD

I have a MacBook Pro (17-inch, 2.4GHZ) with a dying hard drive, can I replace my HDD with a SSD? Will any SSD fit or there's certain specs that I need to be shopping for?

Thanks ahead for any help.

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Are you sure of your model? The model you've picked is the older Core2Duo. I'm thinking you have a newer 17" model, a late 2011 here's its specs: MacBook Pro 17" 2.4 GHz i7 (Late 2011) and here is the correct IFIXIT group: MacBook Pro 17" Unibody


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This is probably your machine:


If so, it has a SATA I bus. 1.5 Gb/s. Most SSD drives are are 6 Gb/s. So make sure the drive you selects backward compatible to SATA I.

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