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Problems updateing EFI on my MacBook Pro.


TLDR I can not update the EFI firmware on my MacBook Pro laptop.

Recently, The SSD in my computer broke down so I ordered a new one which is the OWC Aura Pro.

After installing it in my computer it was not recognized. I found out that this drive requires a newer EFI update which can be done when updating MacOS to High Sierra (I’ve not done this before on this system).

So I connected an external hard drive which had MacOS High Sierra on it and tried to install High Sierra on internal SSD. It failed because after computer restarted the internal SSD was no longer visible. So I tried to install MacOS High Sierra on another external drive just to update that EFI but it also failed because I need the internal SSD to do so (it need some ID of hardware partition on internal drive).

My qestion is, is there other way to update EFI or I need to get other working internal SSD just to make this update? Or maybe there is other way to make this OWC SSD working.

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The MacOS does have newer EFI firmware within it. But! The issue is not the EFI firmware but the OWC SSD’s firmware. OWC has a special firmware updater which you need to run. Here’s the info on it: Aura SSDs: Firmware Updater Tool.

Now the rub! You’ll need to install the older MacOS onto the SSD first so the system works with the internal OWC drive, I’ve been using Mavericks for this task. Update the OWC firmware using the tool. Then your SSD should look like a standard internal drive vs like an external drive Icon:

Block Image

Then you can upgrade the MacOS if you desire to do so.

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Can you tell me how can I install anything on SSD? It is only recognized when I boot OS High Sierra from external HDD. If I use recovery mode or any other older OS X the SSD is not visible anymore.


Thats because when you upgraded to High Sierra you used the newer file system it has (APFS) instead of the older GUID/Journaled.

Using your High Sierra external drive reformat the drive setting it to GUID/Journaled. Then reboot your system using the older Sierra, El Capitan or Mavericks boot drive to then install that OS.


Thanks for all help but it doesn't work. I formatted SSD with GUID/Journaled but it is still only recognizable using external OS X High Sierra drive. Maybe you have some other ideas?


Does the icon you like an internal or external? Reference the pic above.


It's internal.


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