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Mid 2009 Model A1278 / 2.26 or 2.53 GHz Core 2 Duo processor EMC 2326

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Moving Hard drive to better computer

If I were to take my hard drive from my 2009 MacBook Pro without formatting it and put it in a newer computer, that isn’t an Apple product, would I run into any problems with the OS?

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That won’t work ;-{

Only another Mac system can boot up under this drive. You can read the files if you have the required driver to access the drive (in windows). The newer APFS file system is not accessible at this time.

Apple computers use a different disk structure and the OS won’t load as the systems BIOS (Apple calls it EFI) won’t be able to load the OS. Newer Windows PC’s Use UEFI for their BIOS while similar to Apples it’s not the same.

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