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Why my tv screen is showing rainbow colors but sound is fine

why my tv screen is showing rainbow colors but sound is fine panasonic viera 50”

Update (08/23/2018)

Block Image

Block Image

sound perfectly ok

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Hoo dang that's a RGB ink

The screen might have encountered a pressure damage

Which might be stuff thrown at it Or something

One section of the RGB got damaged and the ink kept on spreading

Will go through the entire screen in days

I'm sorry but there is no solution you can do unless you get a screen replacement



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the lcd is damaged

can you attach an image of the “ rainbow” effect

then we can try navigate to a possible problem and solution


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The problem started with a single thick line is the middle then extended all over the screen when touched it.Sound id fine though


kept on changing colors also


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Block Image

Block Image

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1 Комментарий:

It is just showing a rainbow colour stuff and the sound is ok then maybe like after an hour it will now show normal pic


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