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ripples in screen when pressure is added?

I repair and sell phones to cex and I just had my first rejection.

They said when they put pressure on the bottom there was some sort of ripple on the screen (Similar to when you push a computer monitor sort of thing).

It doesn’t seem very bad.

How do I stop this from happen?

Can I sell it on ebay/Gumtree and if so how would I disclose the “issue”.

I never thought this was an issue as my personal phone has always done this and its not something that I usually check.

On another note, the home button is super clicky and responsive, but is still sort of clicking. (not spongy exactly, just not super satisfying) . Is this just a cheap button replacement.

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The “ripple” effect they’re talking about is the LCD. Usually if the phone is repaired it is “user error”, meaning when the screen was replaced something, maybe a screw or bad cable placement, is in the way, which is causing the screen to do that. Usually this is a quick repair. All you have to do is replace the screen again but you can use the existing screen. If you also want to replace the home button, try finding a whole new screen “with frame” and it should come with a home button.

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I re seated the home button and its fine now.

I re installed the display.

Its still ripples but only ever so slightly (will try and get a video of it).

Could it be a cheap display from china flexing?

How would I describe it when I sell?

Will it put off buyers and can it cause other issues?


It may just be a cheap screen. if the company you sell to doesn't accept it, try to sell it on Ebay or any other marketplace. Do you have to press firmly on the display or does it occur with tapping as normal?


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