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Samsung Galaxy S7 (SM-G930, SM-G935) — смартфон седьмого поколения линейки Galaxy S, анонсированный компанией Samsung Electronics 21 февраля 2016 года на MWC в Барселоне[

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What is a Samsung Galaxy FOG digitizer part sold online?

Hi, What is the difference between a FOG digitizer part that looks transparent and a full on lcd touch screen? Why is the FOG digitizer like around $20 while the full lcd is $100-200? What does the FOG digitizer do exactly?

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The digitizer is basically just the touch part of the screen and is mainly the upper glass layer of your phone’s display assembly. Usually phone touchscreens are composed of 2 components: a digitizer and a display.The digitizer is glued to the screen most of the times, but you can also get it as a separate replacement part. The problem is, digitizers are hard to separate from their screens, but some repair shops have the tools needed to separate the 2 parts, that’s why they can be found online.

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So, correct me if I'm wrong: a smartphone screen consists of the following layers from topmost to bottommost: glass, adhesive (oca or loca), touch digitizer, adhesive again, amoled display. The glass and touch digitizer are two separate layers, right? Meaning there is adhesive between them:



That's very simply put, but yeah, pretty much.


So the touch digitizer controls touch or something?


The touch digitizer registers your finger's touches on the glass.


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Samsung uses AMOLED display not a LCD display. Those are already more expensive than other technologies. The glass/digitizer (touchscreen) by itself is inexpensive because it is difficult to do a glass only repair. You will need special tools to separate the old glass form the display, then you will need special tools to re-adhere the new glass to the display. You can’t do a good job without those tools. If you have never done this type of repair you will most likely destroy the glass as well as the display. It is really not easy unless you have done this a couple of times. Spend the extra money and replace the complete display assembly.

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So if I buy all the parts for the whole display and use an adhesive to attach them, then in theory I should be able to replace the broken display on a phone?


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