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{A1706 / EMC 3071}—Released in June 2017, this 13" Macbook Pro features Kaby Lake processors up to 3.5 GHz Core i7 with Turbo Boost up to 4.0 GHz.

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FaceTime HD Connector and iBridge

Does anyone know how the FaceTime HD Connector is integrated with iBridge ?

I assume there is a connector somewhere but I can’t seem to find it.

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What are we talking about? There is no iBridge in the MacBook Pro.

Are you talking about the Leef iBridge Wireless Flash Drive in any case it is a wireless device and doesn’t connect into the Mac’s FaceTime camera


Check System Information.

I think the iBridge bus is the name for the TouchBar. But basically FaceTime HD camera connects to it. Where as on non-TouchBar MacBook Pro it connects via PCIE.

I am just wondering if anyone knows what those connections might look like on the motherboard.


I also have this problem. Have anyone solved it somehow ?


Did you resolve this issue? I have the problem where the camera doesn’t work and is shows up with

Serial Number: ?


Did you resolve this issue? I have the same problem where the camera doesn’t work and is shows up with

Serial Number: ?


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OK now I get your question!

iBridge is just a functional name for the T1 chip to the system USB connection (hardwired). Like the internal USB hub the system also has. It’s not something physical in the sense you can connect it or disconnect a connector without having issues. In this case if you did you would kill off your Touch Bar and your systems power button ID system.

Update (09/04/2018)

So the issue is the FaceTime camera’s connection then and not trying to understand what iBridge is. First why did you think you needed to apply new thermal paste on the CPU? While I’ll agree the Apple stuff is not that great it’s not something I recommend replacing on such a new system.

OK, lets see if we can figure out what happened. It sounds like you disconnected the ribbon cable leading to the camera. Here’s a breakdown of the connections:

Block Image

Photo credit: @just1ed www.macplus.sg

Did you disconnect the cables? If you did I would review the connection point. Do make sure you’ve pulled the battery connection first!

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The reason I ask is because I was replacing thermal paste and I have managed to disconnect FaceTime HD somehow from iBridge. It shows up in the System Information (see below). I doubt it is the display cable since the monitor is fine.

iBridge FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in):

Product ID: 0x8514

Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Inc.)

Version: 2.01

Serial Number: ?

Manufacturer: Apple Inc.

Location ID: 0x80200000


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