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The NutriBullet by the makers of Magic Bullet is a personal blender that is self-contained and simple to use. It includes an electric blender base with a number of attachments for the user and offers a healthy alternative to blending food by breaking down ingredients in their most nutritious states.

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Machine won't turn on with ingredients, but empty, it turns on.

I troubleshot the machine empty and it runs. I put smoothie ingredients in and it will not run.

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If your NutriBullet blender will not turn on and shows no signs of life, use the Magic Bullet NutriBullet Won’t Turn On problem page for possible problems and solutions.

If your NutriBullet blender is making noise but the blades aren’t spinning, see the NutriBullet Blades Will Not Turn problem page for possible problems and solutions.

If your NutriBullet blender’s blades no longer spin and blend, see the NutriBullet Blades Won’t Cut or Blend Food problem page for possible problems and solutions.

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robinhairfield будет вечно благодарен.
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