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Reapplying thermal paste—can I use same heatsink?

I’m thinking of putting new TIM on my rMBP. The ifixit guide goes over this but also talks about replacing the heatsink. Is getting a new heatsink critical or am I okay to reuse the original? Thanks in advance.

Also, I’m getting about 50°C at idle and 80+°C at load (close to the TjMax of the cpu)

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To start off: I reuse the systems heatsink.

But, in some cases the heat sink fails! So its important to first diagnose if the heat sink is good or bad. Doing a good inspection to make sure the heat pipe has not sprung a leak. Before doing anything I look carefully for signs of leakage, staining on the logic board white powder or wetness on the pipe its self besides seeing a hole. If I’m not sure I use a lab grade scale to weigh the heatsink to compare with one that I have already for that series. The lighter one will be the defective one.

As to re-applying the thermal paste its not a questions of quantity! Its placement! You don’t need that much, the paste function is to fill the pores of the surfaces of both the chip and the heatsink. You want to make sure the full surface of the chip its self is covered but you don’t want it spilling over!

Even here your issue may still be present as to what you are running for apps have a big bearing on the how hot the system is running at. When you are hitting over 90 C you are clearly over stretching what your system can perform. As an example gaming can over stress both the CPU and the GPU logic. Then you need a more powerful system.

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Hey, thanks for the advise. I want to clarify, I’m not hitting 90°, i was merely stating the TjMax of the cpu according to intel. Temps are around 50° at idle and hit 80° when doing qgis. The computer handles it fine, but definitely seems very hot for me. I e has the computer since 2014, and feel like the temperatures have slowly been creeping up.

Also, your advise on checking the heat sink was helpful and interesting. Why would there be moisture or powder? Not used to seeing those materials in air cooled systems.


Let me clarify: I was not implying your system was hitting 90c It was a sand in the sand mark that if you get that hot your over-stretching the systems processing ability.

All Apple laptops are air cooled. The heatsink tube its self is liquid filled to transfer the heat from the chip to the fin area for the fan to push out. Apple used a few different liquids so they leave different fingerprints when they leak.


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Well I have done this repair to a friend’s computer and I destroyed the heat sink (on accident) while trying to take it out because it was really the third computer I have repaired in my lifetime and I was very inexperienced. It might be a good idea to replace it considering it’s relatively low price but it’s totally up to you. Maybe @danj can reccomend against this but from my point of view it’s just better to replace it.

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I may but a heatsink as backup, but I have done a good amount of computer repairs (Mac & pc). I do recognize, that heat sink is on the small size, and likely more fragile because of it.


@hylianknight @ajcooke01 is correct. You do not need to change the heatsink unless it is/getting damaged.


@oldturkey03 - You might want to re-read what Aaron said. He was recommending to replace! "It might be a good idea to replace it considering it’s relatively low price but it’s totally up to you" As a matter of course.


@oldturkey03 @danj I was reccomending to replace it at the time but now that I think about it Oldturkey is right, only replace it if you screw up and damage it or if it's damaged in general. Sorry for the confusion.


Thank you all very much!


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